Complaints procedure

When you are not satisfied with the care you received from us, we would love to hear this from you. You can always contact us to discuss your complaint. Together we will look for a suitable solution. In case we will not find a suitable solution for you, you can start a complaint procedure. Below you can find the details on how this works.

Complaint filing and handling

Complaints can be submitted in writing, by email or by letter, to the attention of the complaints handling department. This can be send to the address below:

Manometric B.V.
Loire 124, 2491AJ, The Hague

You will receive a written response within 5 days of receiving your complaint. We will send you a concrete proposal within 3 weeks. If more time is needed to investigate the complaint, this period can be extended by a maximum of 4 weeks. We will keep you informed about the progress.

Register an appeal

If the complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved, an appeal can be lodged with the management of Manometric. This can be done by email to or by letter to the above postal address, to the attention of the management.

Independent complaints committee

If we are unable to arrive at a suitable solution together, you can contact the Klachtenportaal Zorg BV. This is an independent complaints committee. You can submit your complaint in writing by email or letter:

Klachtenportaal Zorg B.V.
Westeinde 14a
1601 BJ Enkhuizen

You can also submit your complaint online through

Patient organisation

If all the previous steps have not led to a suitable solution, you can turn to a patient organization. You can contact the Dutch Patient Federation:

Patient Federation The Netherlands:
Mailbox 1539, 3500 BM, Utrecht
0900-2356780 (€0,20 a minute)

For more information, visit the website of Patiëntenfederatie Nederland.